Brad Bates

Brad Bates

Head of School, Dublin School
Brad earned both his BA and MALS from Dartmouth College. He as an impressive resume of private school administration and has been Head of School at Dublin for the past 10 years. During this time, Brad was instrumental to making Dublin School the “best small boarding school in America.”

Sarah Doenmez

Dean of Academics, Dublin School
Sarah earned her BA from UC Santa Cruz, her M.Ed. from Antioch New England, and completed her secondary education at The Putney School and Phillips Exeter Academy. She has been with Dublin School since 1988, so most of her life has been spent in the independent boarding school environment.
Sarah Doenmez
John Capen

John Capen

English Teacher, Groton School
John graduated with a B.A. in Philosophy from Haverford College, an M.A. in English from Middlebury College, and an M.Ed. in Teaching and Learning English from Harvard University. He has taught English in Japan and Korea, and has been an English teacher at Groton School since 1999.

Kevin Kelly

Dean of Students, Deerfield Academy
Kevin earned his B.S. in Education from the University of Maine and his M.Ed. in Administration from the University of Massachusetts. Kevin served as Principal of Deerfield Elementary School and is currently Dean of Students at Deerfield Academy.
Kevin Kelly
Christopher Queen

Dr. Christopher Queen

Former Professor and Former Dean of Students, Harvard University Division of Continuing Education
Chris has earned degrees in the study of religion from Oberlin College, Union Theological Seminary, and Boston University, with additional graduate studies at Harvard Divinity School. He has taught at Northfield Mount Herman, Boston University and Harvard University.

Metta Dael

Dean of International Admission, Northfield Mount Herman
Metta has a Masters in Multicultural Education from NYU and is a graduate of the Executive Education Program at Columbia University. She joined Northfield Mount Hermon in 2007, and has worked in curriculum design and educational research during her career as an educator.
Metta Dael